Our Females
Click on the dogs name to go to its own page.
“True Bordeaux Type,” It’s just not about a Typey Head
At Old School we feel the body is just as important!!

“Zola at 4 months and Aaliyah at 15 months”
Here at Old School Bordeaux it’s not just about the males!

Nova is a true foundation female who consistently
out produces herself in her offspring
Aaliyah is another example of an “Old School Foundation Female”
The breed standard for a female Bordeaux is 45kg which is equal to 99.2lbs. All of our females weigh between 125-150lbs., which is a nice size for a female and since our females are low to the ground the way the breed is suppose to be that is just fine with us here at Old School Bordeaux. It really amazes me to see a supposed 150 lbs. female that I have seen in person be much smaller than one of my 130 lbs. females. It just goes to show with this breed of dog, owners tend to exaggerate a lot. Now they could be much bigger, but since Macaroni and Cheese is not a part of our females’ diet here at Old School Bordeaux, they have a more muscular and athletic build to them. After all this is a working breed of dog not a sloppy breed of dog.
“Alisha Noimery“