Our Memories
Blaze at 10 weeks old
Blaze at 4 months old
Blaze at 11 months old
Blaze at 20 months old
Vice at 3 weeks old
Vice at 5 months old
Vice at 12 months old
Vice at 18 months old
Flame at 3 months old
Flame at 12 months old
Flame at 16 months old
Sandy’s first day at Old School at 9 weeks old
Sandy at 5 months old
Sandy at 13 months old
Sandy at 18 months old 
Sandy Fall 2008
Armani at 13 weeks and 39lbs.
Armani at 11 months old
Old School’s Benecia and Braddock at 10 weeks old
Braddock and Benecia at 5 months old